Не давно была годовщина смерти Гарольда "Дока" Эджертона, - Harold "Doc" Edgerton человека, который изобрел стробоскопическую и сверхскоростную фотосъемку. С помощью своих научных методов этот выдающийся ученый раскрыл многие процессы, которые недоступны невооруженному взгляду. С видеоэкспериментами ученого можно ознакомиться здесь.
Institute Professor, Harold "Doc" Edgerton , revolutionized photography with his high speed strobe lighting techniques. He came to MIT as a student in 1926. By the time of his passing in 1990 he had profoundly affected MIT and the world with his contributions to photography and underwater exploration. This talk, given by Prof. J.Kim Vandiver will show many of his photographs and tell stories of his contributions to high speed photography, night reconnaisance photography in WWII, and marine archeology. His legacy and contributions to MIT are celebrated in the Edgerton Center of today. Come enjoy the photography and learn about the new Edgerton Archive project.
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