24 дек. 2010 г.

Следим за Санта-Клаусом на карте

Отслеживать Санта-Клауса можно на сайте Noradsanta с помощью карт Google, где отмечается нынешнее местоположение Сантa и его следующие остановки - кликаем на "подарки" и появляется информация о городах.

About Santa
Santa maintains a long list of children who have been good throughout the year. His list gets bigger each year by virtue of the world’s increasing population. Check out the world’s population right now. As a result, Santa has had to deliver more toys in the same amount of time. If one were to assume he works in the realm of standard time, he would have to limit his stay to about two to three ten-thousandths of a second per home!
Site Noradsanta

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