21 окт. 2011 г.

Дом - лес в Милане

В Италии в Милане строятся первые в мире здания, засаженные деревьями. Проект называется Bosco Verticale предусматривает возведение двух зданий высотой 105 и 78 м. На всех этажах и балконах каждой квартиры будут расти деревья, а также различные кустарники и цветы. Автор проекта: итальянский архитектор и дизайнер Стефано Боэри - Stefano Boeri

Bosco Verticale - Vertical Forest is a project for metropolitan reforestation that contributes to the regeneration of the environment and urban biodiversity without the implication of expanding the city upon the territory. Bosco Verticale is a model of vertical densification of nature within the city. It is a model that operates correlated to the policies for reforestation and naturalization of the large urban and metropolitan borders - Metrosbosco. Metrobosco and Bosco Verticale are devices for the environmental survival of contemporary European cities. Together they create two modes of building links between nature and city within the territory and within the cities of contemporary Europe.

The first example of a Bosco Verticale composed of two residential towers of 110 and 76 meters height, will be realized in the centre of Milan, on the edge of the Isola neighbourhood, and will host 900 trees - each measuring 3, 6 or 9 m tall apart from a wide range of shrubs and floral plants. On flat land, each Bosco Verticale equals, in amount of trees, an area equal to 10.000 sqm of forest. In terms of urban densification the equivalent of an area of single family dwellings of nearly 50.000 sqm. Read more

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